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What is a pressure transmitter, and what is the definition of a pressure transmitter?


What is a pressure transmitter and what is the definition of a pressure transmitter?

The calibration of a pressure transmitter is called a transmitter: an instrument that converts (transforms) one quantity into another qu

antity (electricity) and sends it to the required equipment. Pressure transmitter: It converts pressure into current or voltage and sends it

 to the required equipment. So the regulation describes a pressure transmitter as an instrument that converts pressure variables into a un

ified output signal, and there is a given continuous function relationship between the output signal and pressure variables, usually a linear

 function. Before installing and using the pressure transmitter, it is necessary to carefully read the product sample and user manual. During

 installation, the pressure interface should not leak, and ensure that the range and wiring are correct. The casing of pressure sensors and tr

ansmitters generally needs to be grounded, and signal cables should not be mixed with power cables. Strong electromagnetic interference sh

ould be avoided around sensors and transmitters. Strong electromagnetic interference should be avoided around sensors and transmitters.

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